June 7, 2013

What a May

May was quite a ride. As most everyone knows now , unless you have lived off the grid or in a galaxy far far away, we have had some record setting storms this past month. Most of which came too close to my home for my liking but what can you do. No I am not moving! *SMH* AND let me tell you that statement has been said to a lot of us Okies recently. And you know what.... we laugh. This is our home. It has it's issues but what state doesn't? Be it wind, water, shaking earth or fires , every state has something going on at some point. I am happy where I am at. Oklahoma is a great state and I am proud to call it home. 

Now I say this and no holding it against me when the heat of the summer kicks in cause it wont count then. *grins*

I am so glad we are getting sunshine. My poor yard needs to be mowed something awful. The backyard might now be a sanctuary for small monkeys the grass is so tall. I am looking forward to getting much needed yard work done this weekend. As I am sure everyone in our neighborhood is feeling cause I know I have seen some other sanctuaries growing on our street as well. LOL! 

Into other news ..... 

 Exciting news!!!

Beth's boyfriend Chris, who is also Adam's bud, has braved the Oklahoma weather and come to visit us. He is such a sweety and gentleman. He has fit right into our family like he has always been here. He sings at the drop of a hat .. like me. He has a good since of humor and is very polite. The best thing is he has Beth smiling and happy. Yes you read that right SMILING!! Oh and she hugs now. OK she hugs Chris but THAT is still hugging!! We are all enjoying him being here and he knows he is welcome here anytime.

Oh here is proof of the smile....


I guess I better get my rump into bed since it is almost 1am. EPPPP!! 

Night My Freaky Darlings!!!

Sweet N Sour Chicken the Christi way YUMMO!

The whole family is addicted to this meal. We had made it as a side along with egg rolls the first time but it was SO good I changed it up and turned it into a main course. Super easy and addicting. 

Sweet and Sour Chicken over Fried Noodles

Feeds 6 
prep time- 15 min
Cook time-30 min

1 tbl soy sauce
1 tsp garlic 

3/4 cups white sugar
4 tbls ketchup

1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
In a bowl mix all sauce ingredients together with a wisk and set aside.

Chicken :
5 chicken breast cut unto 1 inch cubes
1 cup cornstarch
2 eggs, beaten
1/3 cup canola oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Using tongs toss chicken in cornstarch , do this in small amounts to get a good coating on each piece. ( a breast at a time is perfect)
Mix the eggs and pour over the chicken, mixing to coat all the pieces.
Heat oil in large skillet. 
Cook chicken , enough to NOT over crowd pan, until browned. 
Place in a 13x9 baking dish.
Pour the sauce evenly over chicken. Turning the chicken so the sauce gets on both sides.
Bake in oven for 30 min , stirring the chicken half way through baking.

2 lbs of uncooked Linguini noodles
The next three ingrediants will need to be repeated for each 8 ounces of noodles cooked
1 teaspoon garlic
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 tbl oil

While Chicken is baking in the oven, follow the cooking instructions for your linguini noodles.

Once they are cooked and drained. 
**Add garlic, soy sauce and oil to a skillet heating it on med sauteing for a 1 min.
Seperate your noodles into an amount that will cover the bottom of your skillet. About 8 ounces.
Toss with tongs till the noodles take on a LIGHT golden color. 3 to 4 min maybe less. Place fried noodles into a  serving bowl. Repeat from ** on untill all noodles have been cooked.  

Serve chicken over noodles. Enjoy!