June 7, 2011


Today has been a eye opener on how precious time is. We take it for granted and think we have all the time in the world.... we don't. It slips through our fingers quicker then water or grains of sand. If we could only turn back time and make the changes we so desire today.

Dragon's mom was diagnosed with stage one M.S today.....
Tomorrow a new found friend goes in for another round of chemo....


It is going to take time to understand this.
It is going to take time to fight this.
It is going to take time to just wrap our heads around the idea that it is time we make life changes.

We speak so much of how we need to do things as a family again. Dinner on Sunday or a cook out some Saturday afternoon. We need to get proactive and make the time for these things NOW.

I am not saying this because someone is sick... I am saying this because time is slipping by us and we are just letting it happen.

My kids are not babies anymore....

I am now the age of my mother is when I look back in my minds eye and recall all those family events.....


So today I am sitting down with our calender and I am going to make family event dates. I am going to send out invites and I am going to have family time.

You have all been warned.

In Love and Light,

1 comment:

  1. Good point. We should try to make 'old friend time' too. Maybe once a year?
