October 22, 2013

Old Man Winter is a Sexy Beast

I know it isn't even Winter yet but I am so in love with how Old Man Winter is making his cold presence known. Yes I may be a little giddy at how the mosquitoes are being shown what a sting feels like.Yes I may even be giddy over the fact a deep cold Winter will cause a million... no wait a bazillion no not even that ... I need what ever name means a REALLY BIG number here .... GAZILLION!!! YA .....  deaths. Oh what you ask? Fleas and Ticks!! Oh the fight we had with those creepy crawlies this year. I know I am not alone in my happiness over those little buggers numbers dropping. UGH!

Onto other less gruesome happy reasons. As most know my family is close and we do a lot of stuff together. Winter is a loved time of year by all of us for more reasons then the holidays or the food. We love putting up the card table for puzzles and family game nights. We love snoogling up in bed and having movie marathons with popcorn and hot cocoa. I know it sounds cheesy but we like cheesy. I know soon I will be loosing my middle babygirl to adulthood, technically an adult already but still lets me call her my babygirl, and  then my youngest baby will be hot on the trail of being too big for snoogling with being Officially a teenager next year cause we all know that marks the beginning of being too old for almost everything that has to do with Mom and Dad. So I am willing to be extra cheesy this Winter and take advantage of every opportunity I can to listen to the giggles and soak up the memories being made. Well hmmm so much for happier... dang tears.

In other news... I have been busy busy getting my etsy shop up and going. Meaning I have been making new items to showcase on it. My muse has been whispering like crazy in my ear too. It has been hard to keep up with all the ideas in my head but I am dong pretty good. It has also helped a lot that we finally got a Joanns in our town where I can get some AWESOME yarns. No more being limited to two brands. *happy dance* A craft store that is not all about fabric crafters... YAY!!  I have controlled my yarn addiction remarkably well while looking around in there too, I know I have amazed myself. I had to promise my family that there would be no cartwheels or touchdown arms and that I had to muffle my squees of joy though. I do have to say this, my Christmas list is Joanns gift cards. LOL! Makes shopping for me very easy. You are very welcome. ;)

One more thing before I show you some sneak peeks of what I have been working on this week.
Class has been going awesome! The girls are blowing my mind at how quickly they are absorbing what they are learning. I am not kidding. Just today both girls did 4 pages of Math work because they flew through it. Not one problem wrong either. The same goes for the other subjects, maybe not 4 pages but we have doubled pages three times last week. I had to ask if they were trying to get work done early so Christmas break could be longer. LOL! I am just simply amazed with them and so beyond proud at how they are growing into such wonderful ladies. I love you two so much!

So you all have stuck with me this far and I don't know what is up with me but this has been a emotional entry. Go ahead say it.... hormones. Ya ya ya :P 

Well even with you giggling at me and my hormones, old age and sappy memories I am going to share my sneak peeks. Hope you like em.

Have a great week My freaky Darlings!!!

My breast Cancer Scarf for 2013
I love the Rainbow yarn in this hat... super chunky and super soft
My inner Sooners fan had to make this. Will have a wristers set to match.



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